Friday, February 10, 2017

A Glossary of Petroleum Engineering Terms Part - 1 (Terms Starting From A )

A Annulus: the inside annulus; tubing-by-production casing annulus. (Note, there may be regional differences in the A, B, C annulus designations and some are reversed. Inside annuli (IA) and outside annuli (OA) are more universally descriptive.)

AAIOR: annualized average incremental oil rate.

AAODC: American Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors.

AAPEA: Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association.

AAPG: American Association of Petroleum Geologists.

AAPL: American Association of Petroleum Landmen.

AAR: after action review.

AASP: allowable annular surface pressure.

AAV (subsea): annular access valve.

Abalation Debris (perforating): small pieces of rock broken up by the perforating process.

Abandon: typically means to cease efforts, either temporarily or permanently, to produce a well. Abandon may have a legal meaning in some locations.

Abandonment Cost: Costs associated with the abandonment of facilities or services, including costs for the removal of facilities and restoration of the land.

Abiogenic Theory: a theory of petroleum generation in which petroleum is thought to have formed from hydrocarbons trapped inside the earth’s crust when the earth was forming. See also Biogenic and Organic theories.

Abject Failure (Risk): a failure mode that can cause the cancellation-of or immediate-halt-to a project or event. Generally expressed as a percent probability.

Abandon: to cease efforts to produce or inject fluids in a wells and to plug the well sufficiently to protect the environment and the ability to redrill and develop other reserves at a later date.

Abandonment Pressure: The minimum pressure of the reservoir when the wells are abandoned.

Abnormally Pressured: a pore pressure higher than a column of sea water for that true vertical depth.

Abrasion (geologic): a form of mechanical weathering where loose fragments are transported with water or wind.

Abrasion (mechanical): wearing away by friction.

Abrasive: particles propelled at a velocity sufficient to cause cleaning or wearing away of a surface.

Abrasive Jetting: a perforating process involving pumping a slurry of liquid and size particles through a nozzle to cut through steel and rock.

ABS: American Bureau of Shipping.

ABS (plastic): Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene.

Absolute Ages: estimation/measurement of age of a formation, fossil, etc., in years before the present.

Absolute Filter Level: a filter rating that purports to set the maximum size of an opening in a filter or the maximum size of the particle that can pass through the filter. The definition varies with use and company.

Absolute Open Flow (AOF): the maximum rate that a well can produce at the lowest possible bottom hole pressure.

Absolute Open Flow Potential: the theoretical maximum flow that a well could deliver with a zero backpressure at the middle of the perforations.

Absolute Permeability: permeability to a single phase fluid in a cleaned core.

Absolute Porosity: the percentage of the total bulk volume that is pore spaces, voids or fractures.

Absolute Pressure: the reading of gauge pressure plus the atmospheric pressure.

Absolute Temperature: temperature measurement starting at absolute zero (total absence of heat).

Absolute Viscosity: the measure of a fluid’s ability to resist flow without regards to its density. It is defined as a fluid’s kinematic viscosity multiplied by its density.

Absolute Volume: the volume a solid occupies when added to a fluid divided by its weight. m3/kg or gal/lb.

Absolute Zero: zero point on the absolute temperature scale; equal to -273.16 degrees C, or 0 degrees K (Kelvin), or -459.69 degrees F, or 0 degrees R (Rankine).

Absorb: to fill part or all of the pore spaces.

Absorber: a vertical, cylindrical vessel that recovers heavier (longer carbon chain) hydrocarbons from a mixture of lighter hydrocarbons.

Absorptance (seismic): the ratio of the energy absorbed by a formation in relationship to the total energy passing through it.

Absorption (processing): the ability of one material to absorb another.

Absorption Gasoline: gasoline extracted from wet natural gas by putting the gas in contact with oil.

Absorption Oil (facilities): the wash oil used to remove heavier hydrocarbons from the gas stream.

Abyssal: depositional environment of the deepest areas of the oceans.

Accelerator (chemical): A chemical that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction. Most common are the accelerators used in cementing.

Accelerator (drilling): an energy increasing device, with sudden energy release, used in a jarring string while fishing.

Accommodation: place where personnel spend their off-duty time on a rig.

Accretionthe action of particles forming adhering clumps on pipe.

Accumulation (reservoir): an economic quantity of hydrocarbon trapped in a permeable rock strata.

Accumulator (pressure control device): canisters of hydraulic fluid, pressurized with a nitrogen gas cap of sufficient pressure and volume to operate all the rams on a BOP in case of power failure to the BOP.

Accumulator (processing plant): a vessel that receives and temporarily stores a liquid used in the feed stock or the processing of a feed stream in a gas plant or other processing facility.

Accumulator Precharge: the initial nitrogen charge on a BOP accumulator that is placed before the fluid is pumped in to charge the accumulator.

Accuracy: the closeness of agreement between the measure value and the exact value.

Acetic Acid: a very weak organic acid used for minor and shallow damage removal. Also used as a moderately effective iron precipitation preventer. 4% acetic acid is vinegar.

ACFM: actual cubic feet per minute.

Acid: a reactive material with a low pH. Common oilfield mineral acids are HCl and HCl/HF.

Acid Brittleness: low ductility of a metal due to its adsorption of hydrogen. More commonly called hydrogen embrittlement.

Acid Effect: the change in pulsed neutron capture created by acidizing a carbonate. Acidizing increases interconnected porosity and strands chlorides and other ions in the rock.

Acid Flowback Analysis: chemical analysis of the acid concentration and other chemical and physical measurements in the returning acid.

Acid Fracture: to fracture stimulate a formation by injecting the acid over the parting pressure of the rock and using the acid to etch channels in the fracture face.

Acid Gas: any produced gas, primarily H2S and CO2 that form an acid when produced in water.

Acid Inhibitor: acid corrosion inhibitor. Slows the acid attack on metal.

Acid Solubility: the percent by weight loss of exposing a sample of material to an excess of acid.

Acid Stick: a solid stick of chloro-acetic or sulfamic acid for small scale removal of acid soluble deposits.

Acidizing: use of a mineral acid (typically HCl or HCl/HF) or an organic acid (typically acetic or formic) to remove damage or stimulate the permeability of a formation.

Acoustic Basement: formations below the deepest zones that can be imaged by an acoustic process.

Acoustic Impedance: the velocity of an imposed sound wave (acoustic velocity) through a rock times the density of the rock.

Acoustic Logging: a sonic travel time record of a formation using a tool with an emitter and a detector. Measures porosity and is useful to compare to other porosity longs to estimate pore filling. Also used to generate rock strength evaluations.

Acoustic Travel Time: the total time required for an acoustic wave to travel through a substance.

Acoustic Velocity: velocity of an imposed sound wave through a rock.

Acquisition Log: the raw, real time recording of the data, later formed into a digital or playback log.

Acreage: land leased for drilling exploration.

Acre-Ft: one acre (43560 ft2) to a depth of one ft.

Acrylamide Polymer: a nonionic polymer (polyacrylamide) used in flocculation, clarifying and even gelling acids and other brines. Very stable, but difficult to effectively break.

Acrylic: a resin polymerized from one of several sources: acrylonitrile, acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, etc.

ACS: American Chemical Society.

Activated Carbon: a highly porous solid, usually a charcoal. Used for adsorption of unwanted materials.

Activation Logging: near formation area is irradiated with neutrons that transform some nuclei into isotopes. The isotopes produced can be detected by radioactive energy levels and decay time. The original elements can be described from this behavior.

Activator: a chemical, heat, radiation, or mechanical action that starts or accelerates a chemical reaction.

Active: A corrosion state where a metal is corroding without control by a reaction product (or corrosion product layer).

Actuator: a device that, by remote influence, can operate valves or other equipment.

ACV: annular safety valve.

AD: assistant driller.

Adaptor: a piece of equipment that connects pipe, flanges or other equipment with different root threads or connection mechanisms.

Adaptor Spool: an adaptor that allows BOP’s to be connected to wellhead flanges of various sizes.

Additive: a compound incorporated into a gas, liquid, or solid system to alter the properties for a particular purpose.

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